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Notice: Image from Google Earth ProⓇ 

SEOUL ⓒ 2022
Wonseok Jang X Chieko Tsutsumi

Our primary aim is to create a window into Seoul for people who live in Seoul but do not necessarily spend time purposefully going to trendy and popular locations, as well as people who may be stuck elsewhere, and people who just simply wish to observe beautiful things.
The authors have recorded various locations of Seoul from 2020 to 2021.
When reality gets tough, we become interested in places we have not been before, somewhere apart from where we are, where we can become strangers.
One person living in Seoul photographed the city.
One foreigner, missing the city, wrote with those photographs in mind.
Like a beginner taking it one step at a time to eventually become fluent in another language, the authors have worked immensely on the photography and writing for this book.

The city I am currently missing
The city I did not really know
The city outside my window
The city in my identification card
The city I want to register as my home
The city where I broke up
The city where I had my first child
The city printed on all the stations and terminals
The city with the area code 02…
This book records Seoul from 2020 to 2021.
For people who just live in Seoul
For people who no longer live in Seoul
For people who want to but cannot go to Seoul
For people who wish they could wake up in Seoul
For people who want to know if Seoul’s sky will be clear all-day today
A window into Seoul –
This is the type of book we are planning.

‘Seoul’ is being written with a beginner’s use of the language. When one is a beginner, one has a unique beginner’s privilege. Anyone who enjoys and appreciates the fresh perspective of a beginner and the difficulty in returning to a beginner mindset will likely find enjoyment in this book.

서울에 대한 책(이하 가제 ‘서울책’)을 준비하고 있습니다. ⠀   

막상 서울에 살지만 굳이 시간 내서 힙하고 핫한 곳을 찾지 않는 사람들과,  

오도 가도 못하는 발묶인 사람들,  

그리고 이유를 찾지 않고 그냥 아름다운 걸 보기 좋아하는 사람들을 위한  

창문을 책으로 만드는 것이 일차적인 목표이고  

5월부터 실무에 착수해 진행 중입니다. ⠀   

2020년-2021년 서울의 곳곳을 기록했습니다. ⠀   

현실이 답답하면 지금 여기가 아닌 곳,  

내가 초보자일 수 있는 곳,  전에 안 가봤던 곳에 관심이 생깁니다. ⠀   

서울에 사는 한 사람이 꾸준히 서울을 촬영했습니다.  

서울을 그리워하는 한 외국인이 그 서울사진을 보며 글을 씁니다. ⠀   

I am a boy(아이. 엠. 어. 보이)  

You are a girl(유. 아. 어. 걸) 처럼 떠듬떠듬,  

다른 나라의 언어를 처음 발음하는 것처럼 조심스럽게,  

그러다 스며들어 물처럼 말하게 될 때까지 촬영을 하고 글을 썼습니다. ⠀   

지금 그리워하고 있는 도시  

내가 잘 몰랐던 도시  

창문을 열면 거기 있는 도시  

내 주민등록증 속 도시  

등기치고 싶은 도시 

애인과 헤어진 도시  

첫 아이를 낳은 도시  

모든 역과 터미널에 인쇄된 도시  

지역번호가 02인 도시….. ⠀  

서울의 2020년-2021년 모습을 기록했습니다. ⠀   

서울에 사는데 그냥 살 뿐인 사람들에게  

이제 서울에 살지 않는 사람들에게  

서울에 가고 싶지만 갈 수 없는 사람들에게  

눈 뜨면 서울이었으면 좋겠다 싶은 사람들에게  

서울하늘은 하루종일 맑은지 흐린지 알고 싶다는 사람들에게 ⠀   

열어주는 서울로 난 창문-  그런 책을 기획하고 있습니다. ⠀   

너무 서울특별시에서 제작한 책자같지 않으려고 노력하면서도  

그래도 서울특별시에서 우리를 알아보고  

우리와 협업했으면 좋겠다고 작가 두 명과 웃으면서  

매주 월요일 오전에 카카오톡이 아닌 라인(LINE)을 통해 회의를 합니다. ⠀    

이번 ‘서울책(가제)’은 초보의 언어로 만드는 책입니다.  

아직 어떤 정서에 초보일 때, 초보만의 권력이 있습니다.  

다시 그 신선한 눈을 갖기 어려운,  

고수보다 때로는 초보가 되기 힘든,  

그런 느낌을 귀하게 여기고 좋아하는 분들에게  

재밌게 읽힐 만한 책입니다. ⠀   






I am a boy. 
You are a girl. 








文章 | ツツミ・チエコ
写真 | チャン・ウォンソク
編集 | アンナ
製作 |トイレットプレス

[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #서울 #서울시 #seoul #seoulbook #초보자 #토일렛프레스

[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #서울 #서울시 #seoul #seoulbook #초보자 #토일렛프레스

We are currently preparing the publication of ‘Seoul’, a book about Seoul.   Our primary aim is to create a window into Seoul for people who live in Seoul but do not necessarily spend time purposefully going to trendy and popular locations, as well as people who may be stuck elsewhere, and people who just simply wish to observe beautiful things.   The authors have recorded various locations of Seoul from 2020 to 2021.   When reality gets tough, we become interested in places we have not been before, somewhere apart from where we are, where we can become strangers.   One person living in Seoul photographed the city. One foreigner, missing the city, wrote with those photographs in mind.   Like a beginner taking it one step at a time to eventually become fluent in another language, the authors have worked immensely on the photography and writing for this book.The city I am currently missing The city I did not really know The city outside my window The city in my identification card The city I want to register as my home The city where I broke up The city where I had my first child The city printed on all the stations and terminals The city with the area code 02… This book records Seoul from 2020 to 2021.   For people who just live in Seoul For people who no longer live in Seoul For people who want to but cannot go to Seoul For people who wish they could wake up in Seoul For people who want to know if Seoul’s sky will be clear all-day today   A window into Seoul – This is the type of book we are planning.We have been working hard and meeting with the authors every Monday morning through LINE to make sure that the book does not look like a brochure from the city of Seoul, but also keeping in mind and hoping for the possibility of collaboration with the city.   ‘Seoul’ is being written with a beginner’s use of the language. When one is a beginner, one has a unique beginner’s privilege. Anyone who enjoys and appreciates the fresh perspective of a beginner and the difficulty in returning to a beginner mindset will likely find enjoyment in this book.
[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #seoul #seoulcity #seoulbool

[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #seoul #seoulcity #seoulbool

Our primary aim is to create a window into Seoul for people who live in Seoul but do not necessarily spend time purposefully going to trendy and popular locations, as well as people who may be stuck elsewhere, and people who just simply wish to observe beautiful things. The authors have recorded various locations of Seoul from 2020 to 2021. When reality gets tough, we become interested in places we have not been before, somewhere apart from where we are, where we can become strangers. One person living in Seoul photographed the city. One foreigner, missing the city, wrote with those photographs in mind. Like a beginner taking it one step at a time to eventually become fluent in another language, the authors have worked immensely on the photography and writing for this book. The city I am currently missing The city I did not really know The city outside my window The city in my identification card The city I want to register as my home The city where I broke up The city where I had my first child The city printed on all the stations and terminals The city with the area code 02… This book records Seoul from 2020 to 2021. For people who just live in Seoul For people who no longer live in Seoul For people who want to but cannot go to Seoul For people who wish they could wake up in Seoul For people who want to know if Seoul’s sky will be clear all-day today A window into Seoul – This is the type of book we are planning. ‘Seoul’ is being written with a beginner’s use of the language. When one is a beginner, one has a unique beginner’s privilege. Anyone who enjoys and appreciates the fresh perspective of a beginner and the difficulty in returning to a beginner mindset will likely find enjoyment in this book. 지금 그리워하고 있는 도시 내가 잘 몰랐던 도시 창문을 열면 거기 있는 도시 내 주민등록증 속 도시 등기치고 싶은 도시 애인과 헤어진 도시 첫 아이를 낳은 도시 모든 역과 터미널에 인쇄된 도시 지역번호가 02인 도시….. ⠀ 서울의 2020년-2021년 모습을 기록했습니다. ⠀ 서울에 사는데 그냥 살 뿐인 사람들에게 이제 서울에 살지 않는 사람들에게 서울에 가고 싶지만 갈 수 없는 사람들에게 눈 뜨면 서울이었으면 좋겠다 싶은 사람들에게 서울하늘은 하루종일 맑은지 흐린지 알고 싶다는 사람들에게 ⠀ 열어주는 서울로 난 창문- 이번 ‘서울책(가제)’은 초보의 언어로 만드는 책입니다. 아직 어떤 정서에 초보일 때, 초보만의 권력이 있습니다. 다시 그 신선한 눈을 갖기 어려운, 고수보다 때로는 초보가 되기 힘든, 그런 느낌을 귀하게 여기고 좋아하는 분들에게 재밌게 읽힐 만한 책입니다. 今、恋しい都市、 自分がまだ知らなかった都市、 窓を開ければそこにある都市、 自分の住民登録証に記された都市、 家を持ち登記したい都市、 恋人とお別れをした都市、 最初の子供を産み落とした都市、 あらゆる駅とターミナルにその名が印刷された都市、 市外局番が02で始まる都市。 ソウルの2020年から2021年の姿を記録しました。 ソウルにいるけれども、 ただ住んでいるだけの人々へ、 今はもうソウルにはいない人々へ、 ソウルに行きたくても行けない人々へ、 朝目覚めるとソウルだったら いいのになあと思う人々へ、 ソウルの空が晴れているのか曇っているのか 思いを馳せる人々へ、 ソウルへとつながる窓。 今回‘ソウル本’は なるべく平易な言葉で綴っています。 まだなんの色付けもされていない 平易な言葉には、 それだけが持つ力があります。 経験を積めば積むほど、 ときには初心者のような 新鮮な視点を持つことは難しく、 そのような感覚を 大切にしている方々にも 楽しんでいただけるような そんな本にしました。 文章 | ツツミ・チエコ 写真 | チャン・ウォンソク 編集 | アンナ 製作 | トイレットプレス SEOUL ⓒ 2022 Wonseok Jang X Chieko Tsutsumi Korean•English•Japanese TOILET PRESS #seoul #seoulbook #seoulcity #seoulite #seoulpeople #seoultravel #seoulcafe #seoulkorea #seoultrip #seoulnationaluniversity #seoulsubway #hanriver #namsan #gwangwhamun #서울 #서울책 #토일렛프레스 #시청 #광화문 #강남구 #서초구 #용산구 #성동구 #마포구 #중구 #종로구 #한강 #남산 #서울여행 #서울풍경
[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #서울 #서울시 #서울북 #토일렛프레스 #seoul #seoulbook #seoulcity #토일렛프레스

[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #서울 #서울시 #서울북 #토일렛프레스 #seoul #seoulbook #seoulcity #토일렛프레스

Notice: Image from Google Earth ProⓇ SEOUL ⓒ 2022 Wonseok Jang X Chieko Tsutsumi Korean•Japanese•English TOILET PRESS Our primary aim is to create a window into Seoul for people who live in Seoul but do not necessarily spend time purposefully going to trendy and popular locations, as well as people who may be stuck elsewhere, and people who just simply wish to observe beautiful things. The authors have recorded various locations of Seoul from 2020 to 2021. When reality gets tough, we become interested in places we have not been before, somewhere apart from where we are, where we can become strangers. One person living in Seoul photographed the city. One foreigner, missing the city, wrote with those photographs in mind. Like a beginner taking it one step at a time to eventually become fluent in another language, the authors have worked immensely on the photography and writing for this book. The city I am currently missing The city I did not really know The city outside my window The city in my identification card The city I want to register as my home The city where I broke up The city where I had my first child The city printed on all the stations and terminals The city with the area code 02… This book records Seoul from 2020 to 2021. For people who just live in Seoul For people who no longer live in Seoul For people who want to but cannot go to Seoul For people who wish they could wake up in Seoul For people who want to know if Seoul’s sky will be clear all-day today A window into Seoul – This is the type of book we are planning. ‘Seoul’ is being written with a beginner’s use of the language. When one is a beginner, one has a unique beginner’s privilege. Anyone who enjoys and appreciates the fresh perspective of a beginner and the difficulty in returning to a beginner mindset will likely find enjoyment in this book. #seoul #seoulbook #seoulcity #seoulite #seoulpeople #seoultravel #seoulcafe #seoulkorea #seoultrip #seoulnationaluniversity #seoulsubway #hanriver #namsan #gwangwhamun #서울 #서울책 #토일렛프레스 #시청 #광화문 #강남구 #서초구 #용산구 #성동구 #마포구 #중구 #종로구 #한강 #남산 #서울여행 #서울풍경
[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #SEOUL #서울풍경 #스트릿 #서울

[토일렛프레스] #서울책 #SEOUL #서울풍경 #스트릿 #서울

When reality gets tough, we become interested in places we have not been before, somewhere apart from where we are, where we can become strangers. One person living in Seoul photographed the city. One foreigner, missing the city, wrote with those photographs in mind. Like a beginner taking it one step at a time to eventually become fluent in another language, the authors have worked immensely on the photography and writing for this book. The city I am currently missing The city I did not really know The city outside my window The city in my identification card The city I want to register as my home The city where I broke up The city where I had my first child The city printed on all the stations and terminals The city with the area code 02… This book records Seoul from 2020 to 2021. For people who just live in Seoul For people who no longer live in Seoul For people who want to but cannot go to Seoul For people who wish they could wake up in Seoul For people who want to know if Seoul’s sky will be clear all-day today A window into Seoul – This is the type of book we are planning. ‘Seoul’ is being written with a beginner’s use of the language. When one is a beginner, one has a unique beginner’s privilege. Anyone who enjoys and appreciates the fresh perspective of a beginner and the difficulty in returning to a beginner mindset will likely find enjoyment in this book. 지금 그리워하고 있는 도시 내가 잘 몰랐던 도시 창문을 열면 거기 있는 도시 내 주민등록증 속 도시 등기치고 싶은 도시 애인과 헤어진 도시 첫 아이를 낳은 도시 모든 역과 터미널에 인쇄된 도시 지역번호가 02인 도시….. ⠀ 서울의 2020년-2021년 모습을 기록했습니다. ⠀ 서울에 사는데 그냥 살 뿐인 사람들에게 이제 서울에 살지 않는 사람들에게 서울에 가고 싶지만 갈 수 없는 사람들에게 눈 뜨면 서울이었으면 좋겠다 싶은 사람들에게 서울하늘은 하루종일 맑은지 흐린지 알고 싶다는 사람들에게 ⠀ 열어주는 서울로 난 창문- 이번 ‘서울책(가제)’은 초보의 언어로 만드는 책입니다. 아직 어떤 정서에 초보일 때, 초보만의 권력이 있습니다. 다시 그 신선한 눈을 갖기 어려운, 고수보다 때로는 초보가 되기 힘든, 그런 느낌을 귀하게 여기고 좋아하는 분들에게 재밌게 읽힐 만한 책입니다. 今、恋しい都市、 自分がまだ知らなかった都市、 窓を開ければそこにある都市、 自分の住民登録証に記された都市、 家を持ち登記したい都市、 恋人とお別れをした都市、 最初の子供を産み落とした都市、 あらゆる駅とターミナルにその名が印刷された都市、 市外局番が02で始まる都市。 ソウルの2020年から2021年の姿を記録しました。 ソウルにいるけれども、 ただ住んでいるだけの人々へ、 今はもうソウルにはいない人々へ、 ソウルに行きたくても行けない人々へ、 朝目覚めるとソウルだったら いいのになあと思う人々へ、 ソウルの空が晴れているのか曇っているのか 思いを馳せる人々へ、 ソウルへとつながる窓。 今回‘ソウル本’は なるべく平易な言葉で綴っています。 まだなんの色付けもされていない 平易な言葉には、 それだけが持つ力があります。 経験を積めば積むほど、 ときには初心者のような 新鮮な視点を持つことは難しく、 そのような感覚を 大切にしている方々にも 楽しんでいただけるような そんな本にしました。 文章 | ツツミ・チエコ 写真 | チャン・ウォンソク 編集 | アンナ 製作 | トイレットプレス SEOUL ⓒ 2022 Wonseok Jang X Chieko Tsutsumi Korean•English•Japanese TOILET PRESS #seoul #seoulbook #seoulcity #seoulite #seoulpeople #seoultravel #seoulcafe #seoulkorea #seoultrip #seoulnationaluniversity #seoulsubway #hanriver #namsan #gwangwhamun #서울 #서울책 #토일렛프레스 #시청 #광화문 #강남구 #서초구 #용산구 #성동구 #마포구 #중구 #종로구 #한강 #남산 #서울여행 #서울풍
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